Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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I wonder how one would get a seat to this thing.
Both candidates have stated that special interests are to blame for the credit crunch. What special interest groups? Can you consider Wall Street a special interest group?
A woman just asked a question, "how can we trust you with our money when you got us here"?
As she tears up, I wonder if her 401k has recently been hit or lost a home. That really is tragic.
McCain is really pacing, and can not look at Obama again.
Obama has had his back turned to McCain the majority of the time, however I think his body language is less tense (again, not an expert).
McCain is sticking to his record, "taking on the special interest, reaching across the aisle".
"let us look at our records, as well as our rhetoric".
Obama is looking at him right in the face as McCain is talking. I wonder if he really is angry, or is just concerntrating?
McCain's tie looks famaliar. Very similar to what he wore last time? I think so.
Sticking with ties, it looks like Obama is using the purple tie, showing that he is bi-partisan and ready to work for the best of the country. Old trick, very popular recently.
It could be the color on my TV though.
Obama is bringing up gas prices. I wonder if people are as concerned with gas prices when 401Ks are so far down and homes are failing. Seems kind of unimportant.
Now health care and education. I need to review what Obama has said about education. Does he support a voucher system?
Obama is bringing up gas prices. I wonder if people are as concerned with gas prices when 401Ks are so far down and homes are failing. Seems kind of unimportant.
Now health care and education. I need to review what Obama has said about education. Does he support a voucher system?
Tom made a "when it comes to time, we have a deficit worse than the federal government!" joke. Whaa?
McCain has continued to bring up an overhead projector that Obama supports or supported in Chicago. I have no idea what he is talking about. He needs to stick with issues that most people know that Obama has.
He has said "earmarks" many, mamy times now.
The big headline so far tonight was McCain basically saying that the US government should pick up all of the mortage loses by subprime mortages.
I hope and pray he was making a sick joke.
Obama is speaking to the youth tonight. He wants to double the peace corp that would function mainly within the united states. Interesting idea? I don't know how this would work.
heh, Tom is saying that everybody got smashed on mortage money and is now hungover. Good Bush quote.
I hear taxes being called a "burden" all night. Obama is speaking out against CEO pay, and speaking up for an increase in teacher pay.
Obama has said "burden" 6 times in this last minute.
McCain is citing Herber Hoover's bad economic choices. My friend at Come On Franco would probably agree with McCain on that one.
McCain talked to Obama for the first time, that I have seen, tonight.
Tom cut off Obama big time there.
He is acting really direct questions to keep things moving.
Social security comes into the debate! Obama promises to look at Social Security and Medicare.....after two or more years in office.
You only get four Obama. Just an FYI, the 8 isn't locked down yet.
Obama completely dodged the social security question. Bad form. He keeps going back to corporate tax breaks. I think what he is trying to say is that he plans to fund social security by taxing corporations, but doesn’t want to say so outright. Is that fair?
McCain jokes, "I'll answer the question". Thank you.
annnnnnd then doesn't answer the DAMN question! Just says he will make a commission! That isn't a plan!
Enjoying a Sam Adams ATM.
Ingrid asks:
Environmental issues and green jobs, when do we move fast to help the earth and not just banks?
McCain is discussing nuclear power in response to a question about the environment. Is he saying that nuclear power is green energy? I don't know how I feel about that, nuclear waste is obviously not environmentally friendly.
Obama says that we have to invest in the environment like we invested in a computer. Kind of a weird analogy.
Both men have on bracelets of fallen soldiers on and clearly visible after the reference in the last debate.
Asian markets are down.
Question from the crowd:
Health Care-should be it be a something you can buy or sell, or is it a right?
I agree with Obama on this fact:
When if you have a pre-existing condition and you don't have health care, it is nearly impossible to get it. Just breathtakingly expensive.
Do you want your health records online?
I am watching the timing lights since Tom brought them up.
Tom straight up asks is health care a right?
McCain is made nervous by government.
Obama says health care should be a right!!!! Wow, I didn't think he would go that far.
Obama misquotes information about Delaware credit card companies: they are located in South Dakota, not Delaware.
Do economy problems mean that we can't keep the peace abroad?
"America is a force for good; peacemakers, and peacekeepers".
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Republican presidential candidate John McCain pledged Tuesday night in campaign debate to require the federal government to renegotiate the mortgages of individual homeowners and make them more affordable, a sweeping proposal to help families in the grip of a financial crisis.
"It is my proposal. It's not Sen. Obama's proposal. It's not President Bush's proposal," McCain said in the opening minutes of a 90-minute debate precisely four weeks before Election Day.
McCain's Democratic rival, Barack Obama, said the current economic crisis was the "final verdict on the failed economic policies of the last eight years" that President Bush pursued and were "supported by Sen. McCain."
I love the shots we get of Obama or McCain in front of the other person talking. Just a cool contrast.
What does Tom have in his pocket? Some kind of small pocket square? Kind of interesting.
Katie's question:
Should the united state respect Pakistan? Or pursue our enemies.
Obama spoke on this last debate, let's see if he changed his mind at all.
He wants to “crush” Bin-Laden.
He says the same thing:
We will kill Bid Laden, even if it takes invading Pakistan.
Very bold.
McCain wants to talk softly and carry a big stick.
I always think it is interesting that when Obama denies something he said, he always uses the line:
"now, nobody said XYZ"
McCain cites the same sources again, and again, and again. A lot of them may be spot on, but holy shit it gets boring.
Great question:
How do we deal with russia without another cold war?
McCain says again, "I looked into Putin's eyes, and I saw three letters a K, a G, and a B". He said this on the last debate as well. Very strong words.
McCain says again, "I looked into Putin's eyes, and I saw three letters a K, a G, and a B". He said this on the last debate as well. Very strong words.
Obama pledges moral support to many countries. If you get 100 moral support tokens, you can cash them in for foreign aid!
Obama makes another great, very general point:
We need to be more forward thinking as a country. Less reactionary.
Yes or no question:
Is russia evil?
Obama: I think they engaged in evil behavior.
McCain: Maybe. If I say yes, I can ignite the cold war. If I say no, then I am ignoring evil actions.
A very good response from both.
Good question about an Iran invasion in the middle east.
Obama says it is all about if Iran gets a nuclear weapon. Probably true.
Thanks for reading! More posts to come soon.
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